



  • Print Marketing

    In the whole development process of packaging design, paper packaging materials, as a common packaging material, are widely used in production and life practice. The paper material is low in cost, suitable for mass mechanized production, good in formability and folding, suitable for fine printing, and has the advantages of recyclability, economy and environmental protection.

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  • Parcel/Mail/Shipping

    Parcel/Mail/Shipping With the rise of online shopping boom, the waste of natural resources and the pollution of human living environment caused by discarded express packages have also attracted much attention. Through the analysis of the commonality of the  Parcel functions and materials, the idea of the secondary use and extension function design of the express carton packaging is to expand and extend its functions. When the  Parcel as a commodity storage and transportation function ends, it can still be used in daily life. Use the new design thinking to build the express package into a design object with multiple values, minimize the energy consumption in each link of the package life cycle, maximize the conversion of resources into products, and achieve the purpose of protecting the environment by extending the package life cycle.

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  • Gift Packaging

    Gift Packaging Most of the gift Packaging produced are paper packaging. As a packaging material, paper packaging has many advantages. The raw materials for the production of paper and paperboard are natural, rich in resources, low in cost and suitable for large-scale mechanical production; Paper and cardboard are easy to cut, fold, glue or staple to form cartons, cartons, paper bags and other packaging containers with different shapes and functions The surface of paper and paperboard is flat and can be printed with beautiful patterns, which is conducive to promotion Paper and cardboard packaging materials are non-toxic, tasteless, pollution-free, safe and hygienic.

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  • Cosmetics Packaging

    In many beautiful cosmetic boxes, each paper has its own way. Most cosmetics boxes and high-end cosmetics gift boxes are made of corrugated paper boxes. However, in order to make the cosmetics box packaging more durable, it is necessary to add certain paper processing methods to the cosmetics, which can also make the font on the box more clear and beautiful, and make the production material of the product packaging box paper, which also needs to be processed to make the cosmetics gift box.     The Keys to Make Custom Cosmetic Boxes Creating custom paper cosmetic containers is a crucial aspect of marketing beauty products. The paper cosmetic packaging not only protects the product but also communicates the brand’s identity and values to the consumer. The process of creating custom cosmetic boxes involves several key steps, which are numbered as follows:   Understanding the Brand: The first key to creating custom paperboard containers for cosmetics is understanding the brand. This includes the brand’s identity, values, and target audience. The design and style of the box should reflect the brand’s personality and appeal to its target audience. For instance, a brand that promotes natural and organic products might opt for eco-friendly packaging materials and earthy colors.   Choosing the Right Material: The second key is choosing the right material for the box. The material should not only be sturdy and durable to protect the product but also align with the brand’s image. For instance, luxury brands might opt for high-quality, glossy materials, while eco-friendly brands might choose recycled or biodegradable materials.   Designing the Box: The third key is designing the box. This involves choosing the right colors, fonts, and images that align with the brand’s identity. The design should be eye-catching and appealing to the target audience. It should also clearly display the brand’s logo and product information.   Prototyping: The fourth key is prototyping. Before mass-producing the paper cosmetic containers, it’s important to create a prototype to ensure the design and material meet the brand’s expectations. This step allows for any necessary adjustments to be made before the final production.   Production: The fifth key is production. Once the prototype is approved, the boxes can be mass-produced. It’s important to ensure the boxes are produced to a high standard to maintain the brand’s image and reputation.   Quality Control: The sixth key is quality control. This involves checking the boxes to ensure they meet the brand’s standards. Any boxes that don’t meet these standards should be discarded.   Distribution: The seventh key is distribution. The boxes should be carefully packed and shipped to the brand’s location or directly to the retailers.   Cosmetic Packaging Tailored Materials and Add-ons This choice should be based on the product’s needs and the brand’s image. For instance, if the product is fragile, a sturdy material like cardboard or plastic might be necessary. If the brand promotes sustainability, eco-friendly materials like recycled paper or biodegradable plastic might be more suitable. The material’s texture and color should also align with the brand’s aesthetic. The following are some of the other materials we deal in:   Grey Cardboard                  Colored Paper Duplex Cardboard              Kraft Paper White Cardboard                Offset Paper Corrugated Cardboard       Newsprint Paper     Why Does Your Business Need Eco-Friendly Cosmetic Packaging? In today’s world, businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainability. This is particularly true in the cosmetics industry, where packaging plays a significant role. Here are several reasons why your business needs eco-friendly paper cosmetic packaging:   Environmental Impact: Traditional cosmetic packaging often involves plastic, which contributes to pollution and waste. Eco-friendly packaging, on the other hand, uses materials like recycled paper, biodegradable plastics, or bamboo, which have a much lower environmental impact.   Consumer Demand: More and more consumers are becoming conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases. They are actively seeking out brands that align with their values, and eco-friendly packaging is a clear signal of a brand’s commitment to sustainability.   Brand Image: Using eco-friendly packaging can significantly enhance your brand’s image. It shows that your business is responsible, forward-thinking, and committed to making a positive impact on the world. This can help to attract customers and build loyalty.   Regulatory Compliance: Many regions are introducing regulations to reduce plastic waste. By adopting eco-friendly paperboard cosmetic packaging now, your business can stay ahead of these regulations and avoid potential fines or penalties in the future.   Cost-Effective: While eco-friendly materials can sometimes be more expensive upfront, they can often lead to cost savings in the long run. For example, lightweight materials can reduce shipping costs, and reusable paper tube cosmetic packaging can encourage repeat purchases.  

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  • Food Packaging

    Food Packaging On food packaging, the use of bright and bright colors such as pink, orange yellow, and orange-red can emphasize the smell, taste, and taste of food. Chocolate, oatmeal, and other foods are mostly warm colors such as gold, red, and coffee, giving people a fresh, delicious, and nutritious feeling. Tea packaging is green, giving people a fresh and healthy feeling. The packaging of cold drinks and food shall be blue and white with a sense of coolness and ice and snow, which can highlight the freezing and sanitation of food. The elegant and simple colors are commonly used in tobacco and alcoholic foods, which give people a sense of delicious and mellowness physiologically, and indicate that it has a long history of brand feeling psychological. They are convenient for food consumption. They are also the first to show the appearance of food and attract consumers. They have value beyond material cost.     Types of Food Packaging Food packaging plays a crucial role in preserving food quality, minimizing food waste, and reducing preservatives used in food. Here are several types of food packaging:   Plastic Packaging: This is the most common type of food packaging due to its versatility, lightweight, and cost-effectiveness. It includes plastic bags, bottles, containers, and trays. However, due to environmental concerns, many companies are shifting towards more sustainable alternatives.   Glass Packaging: Glass is often used for beverages, condiments, and preserved food. It is non-toxic, 100% recyclable, and can maintain the freshness of food for a long time. However, it is heavier and more fragile than other materials.   Metal Packaging: This includes cans, tins, and foil packaging. Metal packaging is durable, provides a long shelf-life, and is excellent for preserving food. It’s commonly used for canned vegetables, soups, and beverages.   Paper and Cardboard Packaging: The paper for packaging food includes boxes, bags, and cartons. Paper and cardboard are lightweight, biodegradable, and recyclable, making them an eco-friendly choice. They are commonly used for dry foods like cereal, pasta, and snacks.   Biodegradable Packaging: This is a more sustainable alternative to traditional packaging materials. It includes packaging made from plant-based materials like cornstarch, mushroom, seaweed, and bamboo. These materials are compostable and have a lower environmental impact.   Edible Packaging: This is a new and innovative type of food packaging. It’s made from edible materials like seaweed, gelatin, or even chocolate. The idea is to reduce waste by creating packaging that can be eaten or composted.   Smart Packaging: This includes packaging with QR codes, RFID tags, or sensors that can provide information about the food’s freshness, temperature, or other quality indicators.   Each type of food packaging has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on the specific needs of the food product.     Is Paper Packaging Safe for Your Food? Absolutely, here are five reasons why paper packaging is generally safe for your food:   Natural Material: Paper for packaging food is a natural product made from wood pulp, which is generally safe and does not contain harmful chemicals that can leach into food.   Food-Safe Coatings: While some paper packaging may be coated or treated to make it more resistant to oil, grease, or water, these coatings or treatments are typically food-safe and approved by food safety authorities.   No Flavor Transfer: Unlike some materials, food packing paper does not impart any flavor onto the food, helping to preserve the original taste and quality of the food.   Suitable for Many Foods: Paper packaging is suitable for a wide range of foods, especially dry foods and fast food items. Paper boxes for food delivery provide a safe and effective way to package these foods.   Consumer Safety: Paper packaging is generally safe for consumers to handle. It does not pose a risk of injury like some other types of packaging (for example, broken glass or sharp metal edges).     Advantages of Using Paper for Food Packaging Using paper for food packaging comes with several advantages:   Environmentally Friendly: Paper is biodegradable and recyclable, making it a more sustainable option compared to plastic. It breaks down naturally in the environment and reduces landfill waste.   Lightweight: Paper used for food packaging is light, which can reduce transportation costs and carbon emissions associated with shipping.   Versatile: Paper can be molded into various shapes and sizes, making it suitable for a wide range of food products. It can also be coated or layered with other materials for added protection or insulation.   Customizable: Food packing paper is easy to print on, allowing businesses to customize their packaging with their branding, logos, and other information. This can enhance brand visibility and appeal to consumers.   Cost-Effective: Kraft paper boxes for food is generally cheaper than other packaging materials, making it a cost-effective choice for businesses.   Improved Taste: Unlike some materials, paper does not impart any flavor onto the food, helping to preserve the original taste.   Consumer Preference: With growing environmental awareness, many consumers prefer paper packaging due to its eco-friendly properties. This can boost a brand’s image and attract environmentally conscious customers.

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  • Jewelry Packaging

    Jewelry Packaging As a high-end fashion jewelry, jewelry needs to be protected in the market circulation for easy storage and transportation. According to this requirement, jewelry needs packaging design, first, to enhance the beauty, second, to design the outer packaging of jewelry; Jewelry packaging design should be based on the product, combined with the characteristics of the product itself, determine the packaging form according to the volume, shape, material, style, grade, style, connotation and other factors, shape the personality and temperament of the jewelry brand, and fully reflect the attributes of the product. Jewelry packaging design should not only solve the aesthetic problems such as shape and color, but also solve a series of problems such as structure, materials, cost and technology. The materials used for daily jewelry packaging include wood, high-density board, plastic plexiglass, acrylic acid, cloth leather, velvet, paper grey cardboard, art paper, leather paper, etc.

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